Bad Movie Nite!
Inspired by late night genre TV shows like Nite Owl Theater and USA Up All Night that I watched as a kid, Bad Movie Nite! is a fully realized curated night of programing focused around low budget genre films of the 80s and 90s. The feature (which is not revealed to the audience beforehand) is preceded by a hyper edited clip show comprised of scenes from other films; commercials; shorts; social hygiene films; and other ephemera. The clips bleed into the highly reedited feature to amplify the humor of an already absurd film. Seventy five unique episodes were created across twelve years.
“Bad Movie Nite! is like Mystery Science Theater 3000 on acid.” - Audience member
BMN! curated by: Scott Hammond, Leeta King, Jeremy Kalgreen, Christopher Volpe, and Dave Kellough
Late night channel surfing of the 80s and 90s.
Archive episodes of BMN! are available for streaming and public events. Contact scooter [AT] gmail [DOT] com for details.
Our last show was sold out and in a historic theater.
Our first episode of BMN! was hosted in a warehouse.
Scenes from episodes of Bad Movie Nite!
Bad Movie Nite! Trailers
2010, 2013, & 2018
Bad Movie Nite! Title Sequence
Scott Hammond, Leeta King
Bad Movie Nite! flyers
Scott Hammond, Leeta King
Assorted Bad Movie Nite! merch
“It is one of the best events we do at Studio 35, and probably the best crowd we get each month.”
“I was hooked after I saw the first bad movie. It made me re-evaluate my approach to movies and art in general.”
“I’ve never lived inside an episode of “Mystery Science Theater 3000,” but I have to imagine it’d be something like what I (just) experienced.”
614 Magazine
It Came From Clintonville
Bad Movie Nite! was a success for over ten years due to the support of many people. I’m eternally grateful. to all the theater owners and staff; to local press getting the word out; my many friends and their enthusiastic support; and our audience who spent many a late night laughing with us. THANK YOU.
Below is a list of individuals and organizations that without their involvement (directly and indirectly) this show would not have been possible.
Studio 35: Eric Brembeck, Tim Baldwin, Tyler Campbell, Jodi Frisby, Michael Merrill, Amy Niswander, Andy Wuelfing, Jenn Wilke, Holly Wilson, John Wyman
The Lyric Cinema: Michael Putlack, Brooke Van Dutten, Dillon Cole, Megan Rakoczy, Aaron Varnell / Clinton Street Theater: Lani Jo Leigh
Grail Movie House: Steve White / Indywood Cinema: Will Rand Simpson / The Oaks Cinema: Adam Morgan., Joe Wichryck
Dodd Alley, Oleander Barber, Eoin! Bell-Games, Anthony Michael-Carroll, Michael Chamberlin, Vince Cornelius, Sean Edgar, Krista Faist, Kerry Ferrell,
Marge Hammond, Emily Hanlon, Jess Haynes, Marilyn Haynes, Leon Michael Hernandez, Bob Hite, Carolyn Hoffman, David Imler, Jen Johnson,
Jeremy Kalgreen, Dave Kellough, Leeta King, Kristi LaFary, Todd LaPlace, Astrid Long-Kellough, Gordon Maples, Caitlin McGurk, Mike McMaster,
Bobby Miller, Jamie Morse, Katie Murphy, Elizabeth Nihiser, Christopher Olvis, Kathryn Olvis, Erik Pepple, Audra Phillips, Jeff Scofield, Adam Siebeck,
Julie Standish, Mande Stedman, SJ Stern, Tina Unger, Christopher Volpe, Peter Wasserman, Higgins & Fiona
614 Magazine, Button Boy, Cinemageddon, Columbus Alive, Columbus Dispatch, Forbidden Transmission, The Hands of Orlacc, I Was A Teenage Zombie,
Junctionview Studios, MadLab, MySpleen, Night Flight, Nite Owl Theater with Fritz the Nite Owl, Rocky Mountain Collegian, The Slime People
TV Vault, UHF Channel 28, USA Up All Night with Rhonda Shear, WOSU
BMN! curated by: Scott Hammond, Leeta King, Jeremy Kalgreen, Christopher Volpe, and Dave Kellough